USA Doctor Network

!!! If you're an employer then check out our affordable group plans above !!!

!!! We have special deal for TRT patients, reg $1299 a year disconted to $999 per year !!!

Text us for information. 833-215-3195 or 866-237-7503 for details

We Are creating an environment where due to COVID and convenience you will not need to go to your doctor and can instead utilize telemedicine services for many of your needs.
Services include Video, Telephone and review of intake forms and lab test. WE DO NOT SELL DRUGS, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (opioids and such)

USA Doctor Network is now offering subscription plans to all.
You no longer have to have an employee group plan and can instead sign up directly with us.
$39.99 per month and you get unlimited amount of visits (See terms).

We are bringing back house calls and will be in your area soon with it

This means no waiting in office, instead you see the clinician at your home. If you are interested then check the box in the intake form that ask you!!

Getting started

Getting started is easy, simply select the category and service you are looking for, create a request via an intake form that is tailored to your service you are requesting.
Click below to start today.

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While this telemedicine service doesn’t take insurance, in many cases your insurance will reimburse you for the cost. We recommend you discuss this with your insurance provider.
Depending on your insurance will depend on if the medications are covered, the scenario in most cases are the same as if you have your regular doctor prescribe medications.

Fast Services

Unlike traditional doctor offices, Our network doesn’t take weeks to get an appointment. We usually have the consult finished within 24-48 hours of submission.
If the doctor determines a necessity there will be a prescription written and delivered to your pharmacy directly.

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